News from 2004.03.27

I just put up an updated version of this web site!

 Build 11:

 *****New Features***** -

  • 'View New' images option - shows thumbnails of all new images
  • A 'Search' page has been added for images. This lets you search for images uploaded on certain dates, by certain people, sorting by rating, etc.
  • *NEW* section of the web site to handle uploading/downloading/viewing of non-picure files! This means you can upload and share word documents, excel spreadsheets, video files, and others!
  • *New Feature* Send an email a user! This lets you send email to each other without having to worry about 'spam bots' reading your email address off this site.
  • Tracking of 'sent' emails. This lets me track down abuse of the new 'Send Email' feature.
  • *New* Admin screens for Attribute/AttributeType maintenance.


  •  Images load faster now (Images are smaller in byte size, database access quicker)
  • When uploading an image, you can now assign 'categories', such as 'vacation', 'nature', baby', etc.
  • Enhanced navigation when viewing images/image albums
  • Updated menus & re-organized to make them a bit more logical
  • Books section is more dynamic (add/delete/edit) for logged in users.
  • No longer displaying user's email addresses (spam prevention). If you enter your email address while commenting on a picture or posting to a message board, your email address will NOT be shown on the web page.
  • The Calendar page updated with a new look and feel. - Minor bugfixes (not listed here)
Posted on March/27/2004 09:59:58 by ehoffmann
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